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A Beginner's Guide to Blockchain Technology
Bitcoin is a digital currency that is being used increasingly all over the world since its inception in 2009. In the years since, many other assets and forms of blockchain technology have been developed. Find out more about bitcoin, ethereum, blockchains, and enterprise distributed ledger technology and how they are being used and evolving with our straightforward guides.
What is Bitcoin?
It's a decentralized digital currencyWhy Use Bitcoin?
It's fast, cheap to use, and secureHow Can I Buy Bitcoins?
From an exchange or an individualHow to Buy Bitcoin in the UK
Buying bitcoin in the UKHow to Store Your Bitcoins
Use a digital or paper walletWhat Can You Buy with Bitcoin?
Spend your bitcoinsHow to Sell Bitcoin
A guide on how to sell your bitcoinsHow to Accept Bitcoin Payments for Your Store
Learn about bitcoin POS systemsHow do Bitcoin Transactions Work?
Bitcoin addresses and private keysIs Bitcoin Legal?
The current regulation around bitcoinWho is Satoshi Nakamoto?
The founder of bitcoinHow Bitcoin Mining Works
By confirming transactionsHow to Set Up a Bitcoin Miner
Generate bitcoins yourselfWhat are Bitcoin Mining Pools?
What are pools how and how to join them?How Does Cloud Mining Bitcoin Work?
Alternative bitcoin mining solutionsHow to Calculate Mining Profitability
Can you make a ROI?How to Make a Paper Bitcoin Wallet
Creating an unhackable bitcoin walletWhat is the Difference Between Litecoin and Bitcoin?
It's the silver to bitcoin's goldHow to Buy Litecoin
How to buy the bitcoin alternative litecoinHow to Mine Litecoin and other Altcoins
How to generate your own altcoinsUnderstanding Bitcoin Price Charts
A primer on bitcoin price chartsBitcoin E-Commerce Services for Merchants
How to accept bitcoin at your businessWhat is Blockchain Technology?
A system of distributed data and logicHow Does Blockchain Technology Work?
Cryptographic keys, distributed networks and network servicing protocolsWhat Can a Blockchain Do?
Identity, recordkeeping, smart contracts and moreWhat is a Distributed Ledger?
A dynamic, independently maintained databaseWhat is the Difference Between Public and Permissioned Blockchains?
Can anyone read or write to the ledger?What is the Difference Between a Blockchain and a Database?
It begins with architectural and administrative decisionsWhat Are the Applications and Use Cases of Blockchains?
Tokenization, auditing, governance, settlement and moreHow Could Blockchain Technology Change Finance?
Cross-border payments, new asset classes, regulatory compliance and moreWhat are Blockchain's Issues and Limitations?
Complexity, size, costs, speed, security, politics and moreWhy Use a Blockchain?
To manage and secure digital relationships as part of a system of recordWhat is Ethereum?
A blockchain application platform and 'world computer'What is Ether?
The 'fuel' of the ethereum networkHow to Use Ethereum
Wallets, trading and ‘dapps’Who Created Ethereum?
Vitalik ButerinHow Ethereum Mining Works
'Proof of Work' and 'Proof of Stake'How to Mine Ethereum
GPUs, mining software and poolsHow Ethereum Works
'Turing-complete' programming, 'state' and the 'EVM'What is a Decentralized Application?
A distributed 'smart contract' systemWhat is a DAO?
A 'decentralized autonomous organization'How Do Ethereum Smart Contracts Work?
Code, transaction fees and 'gas'How Will Ethereum Scale?
‘Sharding’ and ‘off-chain’ transactions
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